The alarm on the safety of medicines launched by Scientific Representatives - which we reported a few weeks ago - involves operators in the sector in a campaign of "political attention", aimed at making all parties responsible for the problem of safety of health medicines of citizens.
Last Saturday, a representation of Pharmaceutical Representatives took part in the first congress of the National Responsibility Movement, held in Catania, and denounced to the numerous politicians who attended, in front of a large presence of journalists, the state of suffering of a professional category, which for some years has been subject to numerous layoffs.
The announcement by the President of the drug manufacturers of further cuts in the scientific information sector for about 8-10,000 units, due to further restrictions on pharmaceutical spending, has just come.
The professional category of Scientific Pharmaceutical Representatives, in addition to representing the legitimate concern under the employment aspect, has reported to the National Responsibility Movement, the serious risk for the safety of the patient.
The scientific information service on medicines is a competence that the Ministry of Health carries out, through the manufacturing companies, so that the doctor, when prescribing pharmacological therapies, can be constantly informed on the news in the sector, and always have the correct limits in their use updated. drugs, also being able to report, through the same informants, any anomalous behavior with respect to the expected results. Abnormal behavior, unfortunately, on the rise after the introduction of the generic drug.
The innumerable cuts to the scientific information service therefore take the form of a serious decrease in the protection of the sick, and it is necessary that politics urgently puts a remedy.
April 7, 2011 — newsoldo